Researching Colonial Records in England

Cheves is off to London to visit the Queen – well, perhaps she won’t really visit the Queen, perhaps she will just give papers at a meeting of the Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland and at the Boyd Symposium at Danson House in England. She and fellow historian Dee Ressinger will join other researchers in a discussion of the Huguenot merchants – the French refugees of the merchant class who fled France following the revocation of the Edict of Nantes and settled in England, Ireland, Scotland, West Indies and the American colonies in the 17th century, forming alliances and setting up shipping networks with each other. Our research has revealed the travel of these merchants between the American colonies and the West Indies to be much more frequent than first thought and the exchange of research findings at the symposium will add to the knowedge of everyone working in this field. Hopefully, there will also be time for Cheves and Dee to search among the records of London for documents pertaining to South Carolina’s colonial history and a search for maps and letters from South Carolina in the 17th and 18th century.


5 responses to “Researching Colonial Records in England”

  1. Michelle Avatar

    Very exciting! Your friends at Charles Towne Landing would love to hear about any new information you turn up, especially as it pertains to the early colony.

    1. cheves Avatar

      Thank you – we’ll let you know as soon as we have some. Meanwhile, you might enjoy reading the recent post (well, I’m in the middle of doing it now, so wait a day or so) about the Boyd Symposium, held a few weeks ago in Danson House, near London.
      We are getting our book on French Santee together and will let you know when it is ready.
      Take care and thank you for checking.
      Cheves and Susan

  2. Dee Ressinger Avatar
    Dee Ressinger

    Hi Susan and Cheves –
    Nice job on Twitter! Loved the write-up on the symposium! Well done! Dee

  3. If anyone runs across the name Richard Brindley, please e-mail me. All I have is passed down stories, that Richard Brindley came from Northern Ireland in 1750 to usa. as a young stow-away. I’m almost sure he was in England, Wales or Scotland originally, from the name Brindley, his first son was named Frazier or Frazer.
    Ii have searched for over 40 years, am 83 now, want to find where he landed here in 1750, and where he was the next 20 years.
    have a feeling it was in the Carolina’s he was first found in old Fincastle, Co VA in 1770, then was in Greene co NC/TN. any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  4. Thanks again for the article.Really thank you! Fantastic. Karner

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