Our New Website

Welcome to our new redesigned website courtesy of Daniel Bates who designs websites for McClellanville businesses at MCVL.net.  Cheves and I are not great on the Internet and are not bloggers. We use our computers more as typewriters! But this site is easy to use and manage and we only have to add an occasional “note” to keep it fresh. Check it out – a great way for local authors, artists, restaurants and other commercial enterprises to draw attention to their business and bring in new customers. Daniel has put together this site as a way to benefit the residents of the town and is offering website design, a quick and easy training session and tech support in a start up package that is very affordable. This lull in the economy is the perfect time to take advantage of his offer and get ready for the recovery. Another example of the Village looking after its own.


3 responses to “Our New Website”

  1. What a great way to share information!

    1. cheves Avatar

      Thank you, Bill – I hope we are better about sharing with you, though, so you don’t need to check our website – though it might be the best way. Sometimes we are not too sure what we are doing.
      Take care,

  2. sammie walker Avatar
    sammie walker

    I’m so glad to find a way to keep up with your historical findings. Thank you for the work you do.

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